Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

ravine – slope / cliff

will / willpower – the ability to do things you want to do


murky – dark and can’t see anything

soft downy chicks – feathers

bustle – loud / lots of things happening
eg. the hustle bustle of the city

keep pace – stay the same speed
eg. I can’t keep pace with Selene because she’s too fast

the fruit ripened – ready to eat

under ripe / unripe / not ripe – green
ripe – yellow
overripe – black

sense of humor
eg. she doesn’t have a good sense of humor

Happy Birthday mummy! You are one of the best mummies in the world! I hope you have a lovely birthday. Love, Selene.


I’m setting up itI’m setting it up 

laugh about jokes laugh at jokes 


island – eye land