Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

MB is making his own menu which is beautiful. After a wile, he go to the printer to print his menu and he go to other people’s house to sent the menu. When he is driving, he gives the delivery man.

MB is making his own menu which is beautiful. After a while, he goes to the printer to print his menu and he goes to other people’s houses to deliver the menu. When he is driving, he gives it to / gives his menu to the delivery man.


eg. I put the handcuffs on, and lock them. Then I use the key to unlock them

knife + holster 
eg. I take the knife out of the holster and stab you

gun + bullet + clip + load / reload 
eg. I have a gun, it has 2 bullets. I put the bullets into the clip, and load the gun. Then I shoot the gun.

eg. Fire in the hole! I’m throwing a grenade

eg. I’m a policeman, so I will show you my badge

I can’t lift my arm

cage – long zi

Needs more review

Sunboy just showed me his gun / Sunboy just forgot how to say “gangang” in English

brilliant = amazing = very smart