Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

Just when the boys was about the throw scrapper into the water / river, tall young mb arrived / got there / walked up to them. The boys looked at tall young mb and gasped because / due to the fact that he’s so tall, and then MB showed teddy’s photograph which is on the glove which he is wearing and the orange haired boy and the skinny boy points to the fat boy and the fat boy give the teddy to MB and the 2 boys run away. After that Mr Bean looked at scrapper which is in the bag which is black. Then scrapper get out of the bag and growled at MB because he thinks MB is his enemy so he began chewing MB’s long foot which is really made out of wood, then scrapper was confused because he can’t chew the leg… so he didn’t chew and Mr Bean walked out of the park with scrapper chewing his long leg.

Just when the boys were about to throw scrapper into the water / river where there are no fish, tall young mb arrived / got there / walked up to them. The boys looks at tall young mb and gasps because / due to the fact that / as / since he’s so tall, and then MB shows teddy’s photograph which is on the glove which he is wearing to the bullies and the orange haired boy and boy who is skinny points to the round boy who is like a big chubby ball give the teddy to MB and the 2 bullies run away. After that Mr Bean looks at scrapper which is in the bag that is black. Then scrapper gets out of the bag and growls at MB because she thinks MB is her enemy so she begins chewing on MB’s long foot which is really made out of wood, then scrapper is confused because she can’t chew the leg… so she doesn’t chew on young MB’s foot and young Mr Bean walks out of the park with scrapper chewing on his long leg.


where / when / due to the fact that / that / while

Smart young MB walks home with his long legs, and he … the long leg and used the long legs wood to make a 4 wheeled cage with a handle for SYMB to pull and he will put scrapper in the wood cage. Then he pulls the cage to MW’s house. Then he sees him pulling the cart, then he sees scrapper. MW opens the cart door and lets scrapper outside. Scrapper jumps up to scratch him, but then MW makes him happy.

she taps him on the nose




where – and at that place
eg. I went to a park where my friends were waiting for me. = I went to a park and at that place my friends were waiting for me.!X100

that – tells someone which one you mean
which – adds some new details
eg. the yogurt that is on Damon’s face, is yummy, and the yogurt that is on his hand, is also yummy!! and he should clean the yogurt that is on his hand because it is soooo messy! and sticky!