Online Class Notes (Jesse)


review the speaking from today and correct it, and add some new or better words. (where / when / due to the fact that / that / while – and any others you can think of)


play equipment

what what what – that kind of thing / and so on 

Needs more review

because / as / since / due to the fact that

when / while


Speaking exercise

Just when the boys was about the throw scrapper into the water / river, tall young mb arrived / got there / walked up to them. The boys looked at tall young mb and gasped because / due to the fact that he’s so tall, and then MB showed teddy’s photograph which is on the glove which he is wearing and the orange haired boy and the skinny boy points to the fat boy and the fat boy give the teddy to MB and the 2 boys run away. After that Mr Bean looked at scrapper which is in the bag which is black. Then scrapper get out of the bag and growled at MB because he thinks MB is his enemy so he began chewing MB’s long foot which is really made out of wood, then scrapper was confused because he can’t chew the leg… so he didn’t chew and Mr Bean walked out of the park with scrapper chewing his long leg.



0.5 = 1/2

2.5 X 2 = 5