Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

Hi Anais, Hope this email finds you well. Here to share the proposal for 2022 Q1 Tmall mechanics. I think it’s helpful to explain a bit regarding the new proposal and our considerations. According to the exercise that we did for the store buyers, it’s obviously that majority price range of our store is between 700 RMB to 1,500 RMB (which means 1 lip product), it contributes almost 60% of sellout on average. Hence, to simplify and clarify the mechanics on Tmall store, we will leverage the same price range to the store mechanic offer plan from next year.

Hi Anais,

Hope this email finds you well.

Here / Just looking / Just hoping to share the proposal for the 2022 Q1 Tmall mechanics. I was thinking it would be helpful to explain a bit regarding the new proposal and our considerations. According to the exercise that we did on the store buyers, it’s obvious that the main price range of our store is between 700 RMB to 1,500 RMB (meaning / equivalent to 1 lip product), which contributes to almost 60% of sellout on average. Hence, to simplify and clarify the mechanics on Tmall store, we will / we need to leverage the same price range as the store mechanic offer plan from next year.


what the product it is

when it get to the 5pmwhen it’s 5pm / when 5pm rolls around / at 5PM 


majority – the biggest part of sth

atmosphere / vibe – the feeling of the space around you