Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

clean, runs very smoothly (comfortable, efficient 有效), nice and talented teachers (because you can learn a lot, and have fun, and be interested), food from all over the world and very healthy (healthy food gives lots of energy, make students happy, teaches them about other cultures 文化 and countries). Every day 5-10 kids can leave class with the PE teacher to eat at a restaurant (because it will teach them to be independent).

If I start a school it will be a bilingual school, with both English and Chinese. My school will be very clean, and well organised because students need to be comfortable when learning, and it will help them to learn faster. Also my school will have very friendly and talented teachers, as students will be able to learn a lot from them, and have fun too. We will have a really special lunch menu for the students, with healthy food from all over the world. Healthy food will help students to have more energy, and also the food will teach them about other cultures in the world. We will also let 5-10 students every day leave class to eat lunch at a restaurant, with the PE teacher taking care of them. This will teach them to be more independent and confident to try new things. So that’s my school – thanks for listening!

bilingual – bi (2), lingual (language)