Online Class Notes (Jesse)


power steering – modern wheel technology

discontinued – when products stop being sold by a company
eg. that jeep has been discontinued

it’s the thought that counts – the thought of something is more important than the actual gift / action


by that timeat that time / during that time 

gave me the shockgave me a shock / it shocked me 

total terrible terrible / unbelievably terrible 

terrible = very bad
very terrible = very very bad

unbelievably = very very very very very
unbelievably terrible

have you eaten? = in your whole life
have you eaten (recently)? = the most recent meal

As of now I have had (have done) 4 classes but before this class, I had already had (had done) 3 classes. Yesterday I had (did) 5 classes in total.

I had 2 meetings yesterday (did)
I had had 1 meeting before our meeting yesterday. (had done)
I have had 10 meetings this week. (have done)



people are good – peep lar good

peepn are good – peep nar good