Online Class Notes (Jesse)


my boss makes me to do – my boss makes me do / asks me to do it 

my work is make a plan – my work includes making plans / my work is to make plans

I can back home – I can go back home / I can be back home

transfer another one – I transfered to another team

that time I was young – ci
at that time I was young – shi jian

I know nothing about it – I don’t know anything about it / There isn’t anything I can do
There is nothing wrong / There is nothing I can do


snore – sleeping sound through your nose

i went into my companyI joined my company (started working there)
I walked through the doors of my company
I walked into the office for the first time

the age is the smallest – I was the youngest 

courier / delivery man – kuai di yuan

interpersonal skills / people skills

last year I know this class – last year I learned about this class / heard about / found out about

lose weight / become slimmer 

Speaking exercise

So I think on the first day I walked into university I have a complicated mood, with happy but also with some anxiety. When I’m a child my dream I could be a clothes designed but it a small major and I should good at drawing if you want to be a clothes designer but I’m not good at drawing so I give up this dream…

So I think on the first day I walked into university I was in a complicated mood, with happiness but also with some anxiety. When I was a child my dream was I could be a clothes designer but it is a small major / it’s a minor subject and you should be good at drawing if you want to be a clothes designer but I’m not good at drawing so I gave up this dream…