Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Are you honest? I think no one dares to swear that he is 100% honest. I watched a video which was about lying, through the video I can find that around 70% people cheat in a small test, but the interesting point is that the people did not lie as big as they could, and they only lied not big enough to raise suspicion. That means everyone is willing to tell a little lie for a reward or get the recognized.
So what is a lie? The answer is ā€œsomeone acting to create a false belief in their victimā€ . There are a lot of kinds of lies: for example: we can say something that isnā€™t true, lie by avoiding the truth, or exaggerating the true or even casting doubt on truth itself. Thatā€™s at least not sort of our fault as lying and deception is not limited to humans. In nature, living things exchange all kinds of signals with each other, sounds, colors and patterns; movements and behaviors; chemicals and molecules. Flowers that look like female bees, to trick males into ā€œpollinatingā€ them. These are all lies, but no other animal is capable of such a broad range of lies and deceptions as we are because human can verbalize, it make us to use language to express our opinion to strength our friendship, to make others feel good and influence others, and these are called white lies and generally fall into 5 categories: lies about our feelings and opinions; our plans or whereabouts; our knowledge, achievements or even our failings; explaining our actions or behaviors or personal facts or possessions; they are super common in our life, mostly people protect the target of the lie and also protect themselves, so lying is a form of prosocial behaviorļ¼Œand from the liarā€™s perspective, their actions are kind-hearted and altruistic because they can make others happy, therefore I donā€™t mind others telling a little lies without violating their conscience

Are you honest? I think no one dares to swear that they are 100% honest. I watched a video which was about lying, and through the video / through which I can found that around 70% of people cheated in a small test, but the interesting point is that the people did not lie as big as they could, and they lied small enough to not raise suspicion. That means everyone is willing to tell a little lie for a reward or get recognition.
So what is a lie? The answer is ā€œsomeone acting to create a false belief in their victimā€ . There are a lot of kinds of lies: for example: we can say something that isnā€™t true, lie by avoiding the truth, or exaggerating the truth or even casting doubt on truth itself. Thatā€™s sort of not / that’s not really our fault as lying and deception are not limited to humans. In nature, living things exchange all kinds of signals with each other, sounds, colors and patterns; movements and behaviors; chemicals and molecules. Flowers that look like female bees, to trick males into ā€œpollinatingā€ them. These are all lies, but no other animal is capable of such a broad range of lies and deceptions as we are, because humans can verbalize. It make us to use language to express our opinion to strengthen our friendship, to make others feel good and influence others, and these are called white lies and generally fall into 5 categories: lies about our feelings and opinions; our plans or whereabouts (location); our knowledge, achievements or even our failings; explaining our actions or behaviors or personal facts or possessions; they are super common in our life, mostly people protect the target of the lie and also protect themselves, so lying is a form of pro-social behaviorļ¼Œand from the liarā€™s perspective, their actions are kind-hearted and altruistic because they can make others happy, therefore I donā€™t mind others telling a white lie without violating their conscience / as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.


verbalize – to express sth with your voice
eg. I try not to verbalize my boredom in meetings

lie to your face – to lie directly to someone when talking to them

1.85 – 1 point eight five

half a percent = 0.5%
50 percent = 50%

random – miscellaneous

white lie – small lie that doesn’t hurt anyone

compulsive liar / they have the compulsion to lie

OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder = qiang po zheng

exaggerating – to say sth which makes sth seem bigger than it actually is
eg. Wow Jesse you had 10 classes this week! You must be a millionnaire!


sort of
eg. you are sort of happy today
eg2. it is sort of not great

it is quite ridiculously

i’m a serious peopleperson

I went to the park which I ran around. = I went to the park around which I ran.


exaggerating – “egz za jur ray ting”

altruistic – “al troo is tick”