Online Class Notes (Jesse)


stuffed nose (congestion) < > runny nose
eg. my nose is congested / runny

out of it / dead feeling 
eg. I’m a bit out of it

rebel / rebellious 

peer pressure – when your peers / friends put pressure on you to do sth
eg. i smoked because of peer pressure

stand up guy – good guy / nerd / someone who follows the rules
eg. Marcelo is a real stand up guy

2nd hand smoke
passive smoker

sinus / sinuses 

clammy – the feeling after smoking / sweaty / tight muscles
eg. my hands are a bit clammy

section – part of sth / separated
session – period of time

physio session 

it’s all of the above / it’s a combination of them 

keep my eye on the prize – focus on the goal / determined
eg. I try to keep my eye on the prize

we namedwe call it
eg. Marcelo named the dinosaur a Marcelosaurus!


I get cold – temperature
I get a cold – sickness

on my goalsfor my goals / when it comes to my goals

the one that you have to throw it away / the one (that) you throw away