Online Class Notes (Jesse)


spinal problem
eg. my mum has a spinal problem that she may need surgery for

that’s just my 2 cents (end)
let me give you my 2 cents (start)

There are 10 students in the class, with Mengliu being the best, and Daisy being the worst.


I agree that

similar damages can be made by command lines – similar damage can be caused through command lines / by using command lines 

in addition to limiting time duration – in addition to limiting duration / limiting time window

we may consider to have / consider having

which may look as below
which may look something like the below

a minimum of 2 executors is mandatory per change with one being from ABC and the other being from MS.

the two – they should both agree / they should both come to an agreement on execution steps before… 

they must standby / they must be on standby / they are standing by, waiting for an email

they must be on standby and be responsibile for

they execute the change which involves PPP role.

I have many students and they include Mengliu
I have many students including Mengliu

is it on your plan? – is it in your plan?

what’s your thoughtwhat are your thoughts on this? 


r – focus on your top teeth touching the back of your bottom lip
l – focus on your tongue

extra – ecks tra

executor – eggz ZEH q tor 
execution – ex eh Q shen 

city – cii teee

hometown – hOmm taaaooooon

hospital – hos pi tal