Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

The world is full of unknowns. We never know what will happen tomorrow, just as our ancestors could not predict our lives, so the archeologists try to digest and reconstruct a revolution that took place 12,000 years ago. Do you know what remains from our past?
Today we can present with color and sound, but three generations ago the world was only black and white while a mere 20 generations before us today, people can only copy by hand. According to the history, 2 million years ago, the life of our ancestors was nearly the same. However, through human efforts, human lifestyle has evolved and changed. Back then there are 1 million modern people on earth and most other human species had died out. And our ancestor’s biology developed some necessary tools including language and social intelligence which help them to improve their lives and communications. This was the common state of humanity for most of our history. And the next step happened in Jordan River, where our ancestors collected wild wheat, and they noticed that seeds in the ground made more plants the next year. So, they use the wheat to make the beer and bread, after that, they gathered deeper knowledge about the plants and animals around them, and gradually make human’s lives better. Therefore, the agricultural revolution was not beginning suddenly one day, eventually gradual change gave rise to a new era. In the human era, people were able to come together, celebrate, share and learn from others, and through the effective communications, human history is updated constantly and we are all part of rewriting history, let’s fight!

The world is full of unknowns. We never know what will / is going to happen happen tomorrow, just as our ancestors could not predict our lives, so the archeologists try to digest and reconstruct a revolution that took place 12,000 years ago. Do you know what remains from / of our past?
Today we can present with color and sound, but three generations ago the world was only black and white while a mere 20 generations ago, people could only copy by hand / record by the written word. According to the history, 2 million years ago, the life of our ancestors was nearly the same. However, through human efforts, human lifestyle has evolved and changed. Back then there were 1 million modern people on earth and most other human species had died out. And our ancestor’s biology developed some necessary tools including language and social intelligence which helped them / has helped us / has been helping us to improve their / our lives through both communication and collaboration. This was the common state of humanity for most of our history. And the next step happened around the / on the Jordan River, where our ancestors collected wild wheat, and they noticed that seeds in the ground made more plants the next year. So, they used the wheat to make the beer and bread, after that, they gathered deeper knowledge about the plants and animals around them, and gradually made human’s lives better. Therefore, the agricultural revolution didn’t begin suddenly one day, but rather eventually gradual change gave rise to a new era. In the human era, people were able to come together, celebrate, share and learn from others, and through the effective communication, human history is updated constantly / is being continuously updated / continuously written and we are all part of writing history, let’s do it.


let’s go / let’s do it / go for it! – let’s begin and be motivated
come on  – show motivation and excitement
go go go / keep going / let’s keep going – keep going and be motivated
you can do it – I believe in you / I think you can succeed

reconstruct – to build again / put together again (physical / abstract)
eg. I try to reconstruct experience in my mind

I didn’t know / I didn’t think – I changed my mind
I don’t believe – what you think now

merely – makes sth sound like it’s not much
eg. he is merely 1 meter tall / he is a mere 1 meter tall

it’s really heartfelt 

pocket dial – when you accidently call someone when putting your phone in your pocket
eg. I pocked dialed him!