Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Since August, I started to learn the financial lesson on Monday and Wednesday every week.
So I had to change the time for learn English in SE. I try to arrange more class in my free time, because I think that you just make better preparing, then you can face the challenge in the future. I also express this opinion to my children, and I hope that they can also accumulate enough experience in their life.
On the other hand, put down everything what you want, calm down yourself and go into the peaceful environment. Then you’ll fell comfortable.
I know the meaning but I can’t reach that level.

Since August, I have been taking / having / In August I started to take financial lessons on Monday and Wednesday every week.
So I had to change the time to learn English in SE. I have been trying to arrange more classes in my free time, because I think that if I just make better preparation, then I can face the challenges in the future. I also express this opinion to my children / I also told my children what I thought / told my kids this, and I hope that they can also accumulate enough experience in their lives.
On the other hand, you can give everything away, give up on chasing success,relax and go into a peaceful environment. Then you’ll feel comfortable.
I know the meaning but I can’t reach that level.


excuse me – when you’re interrupting or bothering sb
sorry – just for casual things
eg. Sorry I’m getting a phone call
eg2. excuse me, can I ask a question please? / excuse me, I need to get through there (can you move please?)

once, she came up to me and said xyz – she walked towards me and she said


should I need to change the verb? – do I need to change the verb?

Past? yes / no
Future? yes / no
Continuing now? yes / no
Have been doing