Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

The server leads Mr Bean and Harry to a table. After that the server gives them the menu. After they give their order to the server, the cook begin serving food to their table. Garry begin eating all the food he ordered but Mr Bean eat nothing because he ordered none. Then Mr Bean goes to the bath room and he goes out of the bathroom window.

The server leads Mr Bean and Harry to a table. After that, the server gives them 2 menus. After they give their order to the server, the cook begins serving food to their table. Harry begins eating all the food he orders, but Mr Bean doesn’t eat a thing / anything because he doesn’t order anything. Then Mr Bean goes to the bathroom, and then he climbs / goes out of the bathroom’s window.


pause – to stop for a moment

comma – makes the reader pause for a moment

overseas / abroad – go to another country


Today, I woke up at 8AM, and then I had breakfast, which was really yummy.

I did nothingI didn’t do anything

I have nothingI don’t have anything 

I see nothing I can’t see anything 

Speaking exercise

Harry waited for mr bean and a cook is in the bathroom looking for mr bean but then the cook tells their boss that he isn’t there so harry began washing all the dishes and plates because he didnt have any money. then mr bean gets teddy, he … his hand through the window and into harry’s jacket and pull teddy out of harry’s jacket…

Harry waited for mr bean and a cook is in the bathroom looking for mr bean. And after the cook tells their boss that he isn’t there, Harry began washing all the dishes and plates because he didnt have any money. Then mr bean gets teddy, he reaches his hand through the window to get teddy who is in harry’s jacket and he pulls teddy out of harry’s jacket and he made a sound like “ptththththt”.

Needs more review


cheque / bill