Online Class Notes (Jesse)


contact tracing
eg. Shanghai does a lot of contact tracing by checking the GPS of people who have been infected to see who they have been in close contact with

it was no brainer – it was obvious / an easy decision
eg. it was no brainer for me to come back to Kunming because my parents are here

defeatist – an attitude that is like you have given up
eg. they think this attitude towards COVID is really defeatist

eg. after getting COVID you will have antibodies to fight it in future

ornament – “vase”
eg. I feel like I’m an ornament for this company

entitled – when sb acts like they are entitled to success
eg. they are really entitled / act entitled

he went to the down floor – he went down to the ground floor / he went downstairs 


it makes people so confusingconfused 

back to then we didn’t have advanced technology – back then we didn’t 

i don’t feel sad for this about this 

we have common topicswe have things in common / we have some topics that we’re both interested in / we share interests 

at the noon at noon


voluntarily – vol lun TAIR ril lee
volunteer – val lun TEER 

basically – bay sick lee (3)