Online Class Notes (Jesse)


burned out
eg. I’ve been working so hard this year and I’m a bit burned out now, so I need a long holiday

i’m exhausted / super tired / I’m worn out – very tired

my housemate / roommate 

she went to companyshe went to the / her office / she went to work

if you rent a place, you need to pay at least 5000 RMB a month for rent 

i live her permanently / will you live here permanently?

I can be a good example for her

she is my idol = i want to be like her
she is an idol = she is famous and many people love her

it’s the most likely reason

mixed race baby


come back to home

she moved to shanghai for 2 months til now – she moved to SH 2 months ago 

she told me what her salary was / she told me how much her salary was

if you interview 2 girls (you are the boss) on 2 different days

her English ability is good enough