Online Class Notes (Jesse)


eg. you are glowing / your skin is glowing

let me do it in order (of best to worst)

chronological order – related to time
eg. let me tell you what has been going on recently in chronological order

segway – sth you say to transition between topics

tapped – use your finger or hand to hit someone softly

my phone went off – make sound suddenly

she was his senior at university / she was 1 year above him at uni

there was some tension between us / the tension was palpable

they race around on their bikes even on the footpath 

eg. the alpha male protects it’s terrority

I looked really pretty yesterday, if I don’t say so myself – say this so that people don’t think you’re being self loving

how did you create something so beautiful?

side by side
across from each other
eg. we sat side by side at the dinner table

mirror the topics that you want him to talk about

let him take the initiative

overbearing – in people’s faces and too loud, and annoying, giving too much attention 
eg. you don’t want to be too overbearing

there’s plenty more fish in the sea – don’t worry if you don’t get this guy, there will be more in the future

The only thing that the instructor talked about was to look sexy and amazing. No safety instruction. Nothing related to the music. Just (being) sexy and amazing. Felt uncomfortable in the cycling room and left.

eg. being a busy but ecstatic bee

go to bed in tears 

it blows my mind – it was amazing to me

spend time / hang out (doing whatever)

keep me company / spend time with me 
eg. it has been so nice spending time with you

i don’t know where to start 

their clothes are really lovely 

you smell lovely / nice


do a favor to youdo you a favor 

it was the first time for us to meet

how are you getting home? 

we had lots of laughs 

it happens to sb

doing the make up / doing my making up doing my makeup / putting my makeup on

I bought the clothing for myself to show him / to impress him


usually – YOU zhaa lee