Online Class Notes (Jesse)


in the covid situation – due to COVID / since COVID he has been struggling to get back

they are in charged by me – I am in charge of that / I am responsible for that / it is my responsibility / it is run by me

Ensuring that the mechanics and doing this and doing that is what I feel we need to do to increase performance.


delta strain / variant
eg. China has had an outbreak of delta recently

a lot – a number of / a large quantity of / numerous 

stingy (“stin jee”) < > generous
eg. I went on a date with a guy but he was stingy so he wanted to go halves on dinner

prima donna – sb who acts like they’re amazing / they’re the best

nei juan – no matter how much I offer, someone can always offer more / the sky is the limit in terms of how much we can offer 

we arrived half hour early but they kept us waiting for an hour and a half

Writing exercise

Hi Anais,

As we all know, the D11 campaign is really a long period campaign which has been separated into a lot different stages, such as pre-order; pre-warm; main period, etc..
Ensuring that the mechanics for D11 are very much differentiated from other campaigns, and also maximize the exposure during the different phasing in D11, most of the brands are playing a lot of GWPs to catch the very special campaign – D11, to build up the performance.

More than 80% of purchases for our brand are single product purchases, especially during the campaign like 618, D11, the majority of purchasers are female who are more attractive by offers/GWPs, in order to catch the female consumers from all these generous competitors( like TF gave 3 GWPs – lipstick case & mirror & 1.5ml fragrance, during last D11) , and try to achieve more visitors and buyers in D11, we plan to offer both lip pouch and cards for the 1 lipstick purchasers.
Please let us know whether is ok for you.

Otherwise, noted about the holidays situation, happy holiday!

Hi Anais,

As we all know, the D11 campaign is really a long period campaign / runs over a long period which has been separated into a number of different stages, such as pre-order; pre-warm; main period, etc..
Ensuring that the mechanics for D11 are as differentiated as possible / are as different as we can make it from other campaigns, and also maximizing the exposure during the different phasings / phases / parts of D11, with most of the brands playing a lot of GWPs to catch the very special campaign – D11, is what I feel we need to do in order to increase the performance.

It is our recommendation that we offer both lip pouches and cards for the single lipstick purchasers, and the following is our reasoning for this.

More than 80% of purchases for our brand are single product purchases, especially during the campaign like 618, D11, with the majority of purchasers being female who are more attracted by offers/GWPs so in order to catch the female consumers from all these generous competitors (like TF gave 3 GWPs – lipstick case & mirror & 1.5ml fragrance, during last D11) , and try to achieve more visitors and buyers in D11, we plan to offer both lip pouches and cards for the single lipstick purchasers.

Please let us know whether it is ok for you.

Otherwise, noted about / re the holidays situation, happy holiday! / And re the holiday situation, that’s no problem! Happy holidays!