Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

When Mr Bean is climbing down the ladder the window washer is climbing on the ladder. Then he stands on the window ledge and tries to opens the window. After that a woman is on the sun bed.

When Mr Bean is climbing down the ladder, the window washer is climbing up the ladder. Then he stands on the window ledge and tries to open the window. After that a woman is on the sun bed.

Needs more review

I basically like all of my toys
I basically have class with Jesse twice a week

I am sitting with a mask = I am sitting and there is a mask on my face

to does to do 
to goesto go 
to walks to walk 

climb up the ladder / go up the ladder

let / make
My mum lets me play computer games! 🙂
My mum makes me do lots of homework! 🙁
My ipad makes studying easy!
My ipad lets me have class with Jesse

he is scared of the woman
Mr Bean thinks the woman is scary


shake / wobble / it goes up and down
eg. the blade of the chainsaw can shake

moustache – the top part of a beard – “mus tash”

the olympics

athlete – a sport person in the olympics

gold medal (1)
eg. Chinese athletes got many gold medals

silver medal (2)

bronze medal (3)

I recite it every day

he wants to climb out (the window), up, onto the roof.

he ties the rope to the bed and his body / around his waist

he wants to make the old lady to not be scared of Mr Bean