Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise



Since the rapid development of society has led to growing pressure for many people, and incidents of sudden disease and unexpected injury are increasing. In this emergent situation, many people are embarrassed as they don’t know or dare not perform first aid. Therefore, how to ensure that first aid skills become widespread so as to save more lives, has become a big social issue.     / Growing pressure for many people, as well as incidents of sudden disease and unexpected injury are increasing, as a result of the rapid development of society in recent times. 

æ®ç»Ÿè®¡ï¼Œå¿ƒè¡€ç®¡ç–¾ç—…å·²æˆä¸ºä¸­å›½å±…民最主è¦çš„疾病死亡原因和急救医疗机构最主è¦çš„救治病ç§ã€‚如果有更多人能掌æ¡åŠæ—¶æœ‰æ•ˆçš„心肺å¤è‹æœ¯ï¼Œå°±å¯ä»¥æ˜¾è‘—æ高心è„骤åœæ‚£è€…的生存概率。但现实情况是,80%的心è„骤åœæ‚£è€…å‘生于医院外,而我国åªæœ‰ä¸åˆ°1%的人掌æ¡å¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹æ“作。也正是由于这个原因,我国的院外抢救æˆåŠŸçŽ‡ä¸è¶³1%。æ®æœ‰å…³éƒ¨é—¨ç»Ÿè®¡ï¼Œæˆ‘国æ¯å¹´å¿ƒè„性çŒæ­»çš„人数超过54万,相当于æ¯åˆ†é’Ÿå°±æœ‰1人å‘生心è„性çŒæ­»ï¼Œä½å±…å…¨çƒå„国之首心肺å¤è‹æ˜¯æ¢å¤å¿ƒè„规律舒缩和泵血功能的主è¦æŠ¢æ•‘方法,能å¦åœ¨é»„金抢救时é™5分钟内åŠæ—¶è¿›è¡Œå¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹ï¼Œç›´æŽ¥å…³ç³»åˆ°æ‚£è€…的生命能å¦æˆåŠŸæŒ½æ•‘。国内外æˆåŠŸçš„ç»éªŒå‡è¡¨æ˜Žï¼Œå‘公众普åŠå¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯æ˜¯æ高救治æˆåŠŸçŽ‡çš„é‡è¦ä¿è¯ã€‚æ®äº†è§£ï¼Œæ³•å›½å¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹åŸ¹è®­æ™®åŠçŽ‡ä¸ºæ€»äººå£çš„40%,德国更是高达80%。ä¸å°‘国家还明文规定,在谋求æŸäº›èŒä½æ—¶ï¼Œåº”è˜äººå‘˜å¿…é¡»æŒæœ‰æ€¥æ•‘员åˆæ ¼è¯ã€‚

Cardiovascular disease has become the most common cause of death among Chinese citizens. It’s reported that there are more than 540,000 people dying from sudden cardiac arrest in China every year. That is to say, one person loses their life due to cardiac arrest every minute. What’s more, about 80% of patients suffer from cardiac arrest while not in hospital and merely 1% of people in our country are able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR). Therefore, it is clear that the survival rate of cardiac arrest can be greatly improved if more people are able to perform CPR in a timely and effective manner.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the primary rescue method to resume the heart’s regular pumping activity. Receiving CPR within the golden 5 minutes, directly influences the effectiveness of any subsequent treatment. It has been demonstrated both domestically and abroad that the rate of CPR training plays a crucial role in improving the success rate of treatments. This training is carried out among 40% of France’s population, while Germany reaches as high as 80%. Many countries even make it compulsory for applicants of some positions to have a first responder’s licence.

专家认为,我国应大普åŠå¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯ã€‚需è¦æ³¨æ„的是,è¦å®žçŽ°è¿™æ ·çš„目标,仅ä¾é ä¸ºæ•°ä¸å¤šçš„零散å¼åŸ¹è®­æ˜¯è¿œè¿œä¸å¤Ÿçš„,必须调动社会å„方力é‡ï¼Œæ·±å…¥å‘掘普åŠæ½œåŠ›ã€‚这其中,从事医学专业的医务工作者ç†åº”率先垂范。建议大力开展“全国心肺å¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯æ™®åŠè¿›äº¿å®¶ç²¾å‡†å¥åº·å·¥ç¨‹â€ï¼Œè®©åŒ»åŠ¡å·¥ä½œè€…们从自身åšèµ·ï¼Œä»Žå®¶åº­æˆå‘˜åšèµ·ï¼Œæ™®åŠå¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯ã€‚我国现有医务工作者åŠç»è¿‡çº¢å字会心肺å¤è‹ä¸“业培训的人员近两åƒä¸‡å,å‡å¦‚æ¯äººè´Ÿè´£5户家庭的心肺å¤è‹åŸ¹è®­ï¼Œæ¯ä¸ªå®¶åº­ä»¥2人计算,就å¯æœ‰1亿户家庭约2亿人得到培训。由此,以æ¯å¹´å¿ƒè‚ºå¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯æ™®åŠçŽ‡3%至5%的比例递增,5å¹´åŽæˆ‘国心肺å¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯çš„æ™®åŠçŽ‡å°†å¢žé•¿è‡³15%至25%。相信通过医务工作者传授亲å‹è¿™ç§ä»¥ç‚¹å¸¦é¢ä¹ƒè‡³â€œæ»šé›ªçƒâ€çš„æ–¹å¼ï¼Œæœ‰æœ›çªç ´æˆ‘国心肺å¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯æ™®åŠçŽ‡ä½Žçš„瓶颈,并摸索出一æ¡ç¬¦åˆä¸­å›½å›½æƒ…的心肺å¤è‹æŠ€æœ¯æ™®åŠä¹‹è·¯ã€‚

Experts suggest launching a massive campaign to popularize CPR through the effort of medical workers, and those who have received CPR training (which account for 2 million people in total) being responsible for training their peers and families. If each of them is responsible for the first aid training of 5 families (every family being comprised of 2 people), a total of 1 billion families, ie.2 billion people, will receive training. In this way, the rate of CPR training increases 3% to 5% every year so that the growth rate reaches 15% to 25% within 5 years. This focused approach will break the  bottleneck, and find an effective method, that suits national circumstances, and will cause a snowball effect in the adoption of CPR skills nationwide.Â