Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Employee health management: a new pattern for human resource

In recent past, Foxconn suicides has aroused widely social concern. All walks of life are criticizing the poor employee management of Foxconn and reflecting about how to incorporate employee health into enterprise management system and prevent such bad events happen again?

Health care management emerged in America at first as the rising cost of health care, development of commercial insurance and progress in healthcare. It is an well-planned and organized system, which aims to strengthen the social awareness of health, develop healthy habit, improve individual’s life quality. Employee health care management is a part of enterprise management to supervise, assess and protect the physical and mental health of employee with the application of modern medical technology and information technology so as to reduce medical cost and improve productive effectiveness.

Living in a fast-paced lifestyle and struggling with strong competitive pressure, counseling psychology is needed for more and more workers in our country, although just a few of them pay attention to it and get help. Therefore,

Employee health management: a new approach for human resource

In the recent past, the Foxconn suicides have widely aroused social concern. All walks of life are criticizing the poor employee management of Foxconn and reflecting on how to incorporate employee health into enterprise management systems in order to prevent such bad events from occuring in the future.

Health care management first emerged in America due to the rising cost of health care, development of commercial insurance, and as a result of progress made in reforming healthcare. It is a well-planned and organized system, which aims to strengthen society’s awareness of health, develop healthy habits, and improve the life quality of all individuals. Employee health care management is a part of enterprise management to monitor, assess / analyze, and maintain both the physical and mental health of employees, with the application of modern medical technology, and information technology so as to reduce medical costs and improve productivity.

  As a result of living in a fast-paced lifestyle and enduring intense competitive pressure, it is becoming clear that psychological counselling is necessary for a growing number of workers in our country. However as it stands, those that seek or participate in counselling are in the minority. Therefore it is important that Health care management focuses not only on physical health but also on mental health. Currently the majority of Chinese companies use a compensation after-the-fact style approach. Greater attention needs to be given to prevention, as opposed to merely compensating employees for damages incurred as a result of psychological stress or illness originating in the workplace. 

relaxed – qing song

university entrance exam – gao kao


i don’t have so much time talking with them – i hadn’t spent much time talking with them

in phone / in wechat – on the phone / on wechat 

tight process strict process 

ask for leave for her son 

rhythm / pace – 节å¥

at the bottom of the class 

silicon valley 

they can afford high fees

work is too hectic