Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

After I brushed my teeth I ate breakfast. After I doing my homework, I went to play. I had eaten all the blueberry when mom want to eat it. I had done all my homework when i want to play.

After I brushed my teeth, I ate breakfast. After I had done / After doing my homework, I went to play. I had eaten all the blueberries when mom wanted to eat it. I had done all my homework when I wanted to play.

Speaking exercise

It landed in Mr Bean’s hair. After Mr Bean takes a lot of videos of bad people throwing litter he went to the police office because he want to tell the police of the bad people. After Mr Bean went to the police office he showed one of the police office the camera window. Then, the policeman showed him all the criminals he wanted. He said to Mr Bean I have bigger fish to fry, and they are criminals so throwing litter is better than criminals.

The paper airplane lands in Mr Bean’s hair. After Mr Bean takes a lot of videos of bad people throwing litter, he goes to the police office because he wants to tell the police of the bad people. After Mr Bean goes to the police office he shows one of the policeman / police officer the camera screen. Then, the policeman shows him all the criminals he wants. He says to Mr Bean “I have bigger fish to fry, and they are criminals so throwing litter is better than criminals.”


man-made cave

trunk / boot

Mr Bean hide over the tree.hides behind the tree

The baby noticed him.

“I’ve got bigger fish to fry!” – i’ve got more important things to do

Needs more review

stick – stuck