Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I suggest you do some diary writing regularly to get comfortable expressing yourself and thinking about the grammar you’re using. It’ll help you to correct these simple mistakes faster when speaking and break the bad habits you have.


i’m just focusing on my prepare the exam – I’m just focusing on my exam / focusing on preparing for my exam / focus on listening / dancing

i’m a salesI’m a sales person / rep / I work in sales 

3 millions 3 million

3 million RMB worth of contracts
eg. every year I need to sell at least 3 million worth of contracts

in the end of the yearby the end of the year / within this year 

in the previouslypreviously 

many peoples many people 

person – 1 ren
people – 2 + ren
peoples – asian / black / african groups of people
persons – more than 1 individual

child – 1
children – 2+

this was my first time to surfing indoors – to surf 

to play the surfings in the oceans it’s not very damageto surf in the ocean is not very dangerous 

play games / sports / instruments / tricks 

I dance
I surf
I run
I juggle
I ski
I walk

next time i will going to – next time I will go to 

I running on the way and found a new surfing storeI was running and while I was running I found a new surfing place

in the dianping appon dianping / on wechat / on youtube 

i like to choose the streets that have less people

3-5 times in a week – 3-5 times a week / every week
I do it twice a week 

less peoples get it and diedvery few people had the vaccine and died


networking – meeting new people, having dinners or lunches etc to meet people
eg. I need to do a lot of networking in my job

you can hit something

eating plan / diet
eg. I just eat based on / depending on my mood / I have an eating plan which I follow sometimes

delta varient – a type of virus

safe (adj)
safety (n)

funny (adj)
fun (adj / n)
eg. you are funny – you make me laugh
eg2. you are fun – being with you makes me happy, excited, enjoy it
eg3. going to KTV is fun
eg4. that joke is funny