Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use “had done” and “after doing it, they did something else”

Writing exercise

J&A went to old hawaii. After that they saw a small village. Annie went to it because she & J hear laughter. When J&A got to the village they saw people doing a hula. Then J&A met Kama and Baka. J&A&K&B went into their house. Then they goes fast asleep and then they plans surfing tomorrow and then K&B done their chores and goes surfing then a tsunami comes.

J&A went to old hawaii. After arriving, they saw a small village. Annie went to it because she & J heard laughter. When they got to the village they saw people doing the hula. After they met Kama and Boka, they went into their house and after they planned surfing tomorrow they went fast asleep. When K&B had done their chores, they went surfing and then a tsunami came.


I have done my chores – before now

I had eaten all the pizza (before they arrived) when you arrived

have done – before now
had done – before the past
did – in the past

I wake up. Then I read a book. = After waking up, I read a book.
I read a book. Then I read another book. = After reading a book, I read another book (but mum didn’t let me read the whole book because of my eyes.)






ripped – paper
cracked – hard things

printer / photocopier 
eg. Mr Bean drew a sign and then he used a photocopier to print many signs

stick – stuck 

Speaking exercise

No corrections

He cleans all the litter and then he made lots of throwing litter away paper and he stick it all over the park because the tennis boy’s family. And an amazing thing happened a man throw something beside the trashbin and the man’s boy …. the sign paper one of them was ripped