Online Class Notes (Jesse) [11]


If your shoulders are hunched forward you have a tight chest which means you should stretch your upper chest.

If you are constantly feel tired your body needs more nutrition which means you need to go out to get some sunlight.

If you constantly look at your phone you are addicted to your phone which means you should do some exercise like cooking and stay away from your phone.

if you had taken care of yourself, you wouldn’t have gotten sick… but you didn’t take care of yourself, so you did get sick.

if I create another platform for teaching I will get richer and have an easier life.

impressionable – easily influenced by others
eg. my mum is a little impressionable

cholesterol – “kol les ter ol”

passive income – income you earn without having to physically do things yourself

I want to do it more systematicsystematically 

overdub / voiceover 
eg. I recorded a voiceover after I filmed the video

commission – money you get for selling sth

whoever lives / those who live in the non-english-speaking countries, they will always need it

hypothetically (adv)/ hypothetical (adj)
eg. hypothetically what would you do if you were rich?

hypocrite – when you say someone should do something but don’t do it yourself (double standard)
eg. he’s a hypocrite!

he brags about himself

disparity – a huge difference (often unfair)
eg. there’s a huge disparity between rich and poor in india

capital gains – money you earn by owning or selling shares

loophole – some tricky way of exploiting a rule / problem in the system

rabbit hole = maze of tunnels
eg. I went onto YT and found myself in a rabbit hole / went down the rabbit hole!