Online Class Notes (Jesse)


i kicked him by his buttin his butt 

it spent me lots of money it cost me lots of money
it spends me a lot of time – it takes me a lot of time 

my grandparents are boredboring 

why i’m not scared of them is because the reason I’m not scared is that



at all
eg. I don’t have any money at all = 0
in total
eg. I have 10 RMB in total = all together


genes – “jeens”

amoeba – “a mee ba” 

bacteria – “back teer ree ya”

Speaking exercise

In the book I learned that the cycle of life some caterpillas have pupas and some human actually have 1 baby and sometimes they have 7 or 8 so they could survive. A pupa is before they become a butterfly they hide in the pupa and sometimes they get out of the pupa and let their wings dry and so they could fly.

In the book I learned about the cycle of life. Some caterpillars have pupas which caterpillars stay in before they turn into butterflies. And, some humans actually have 1 baby but sometimes they have 7 or 8 so there’s a chance that some could survive. Before they become a butterfly they hide in a pupa and sometimes they get out of the pupa and let their wings dry and so they could fly.