Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

Sonia said “of course!”. Then they swam deeper and deeper and deeper……! Suddenly Sonia said “stop!” Onie and Sonia stopped at the same time and guess what they saw? Lots of undersea volcanos! Onie said “never mind!”. When it erupts it will burst us out and we could get out of this dark cave! Before Onie could finish saying it, a sound that was a little bit like a great white shark interrupted her. It was a dead mosquitoe. Back to Orange Head and his friends. They are playing catch! Lashia caught Sonia and Blackie caught Speckie! They just still need to catch Orange Head and Orrissa. Lashia was chasing Orange Head and suddenly Lashia said “freeze the game! / time out!” but Orange Head said “I don’t mind because last time you caught me you used this to trick me”. When Orange Head was saying it, he was swimming and his head is looking backwards. Lashia suddenly said “be careful there’s a coral behind you, you will bump into it!”. Orange Head said “of course not! I think you’re just tricking me!” but all of a sudden, Orange Head bumped into / slammed into a coral reef. Then, Lashia touched Orange Head, then she went in and wrote a note and put it beside Orange Head, and then she ran away. When Orange Head woke up, he saw the letter which Lashia put beside him, he opened it and it said “you are already tagged!”. Then Orange Head said “ohhhh I knew I had been tagged again…”.

erupt – volcanos exploding

million – thousand thousand
billion – bi = 2
trillion – tri = 3
quadrillion – quad = 4

uni / mono = 1
bi = 2
tri = 3
quad = 4
pent = 5
hex = 6
sept = 7
oct = 8
non = 9
dec = 10