Online Class Notes (Jesse) (30)


playing video games can help me relax because it’s interesting and i can play with friends

I have a lot of friendI have a lot of friends

I’m not hate it but I’m not really like itI don’t hate it but I don’t really like it either 

I skiing with him – I ski with him / I go skiing with him

there are japanese food in our school outsidethere is a japanese restaurant near my school 

not enough 1%not even 1% / it’s lower than 1% 


anxious (adj)
eg. My mother is very anxious
anxiety (n) – “anx zai ye tee”
eg. My mother has (a lot of) anxiety
eg2. Anxiety is a bad emotion

I go skiing 3 times a year

once a week
twice a week
3 times a week
4 times a week

they just released a new one / a new one just came out 

ramen noodles – la mian
eg. I love ramen noodles

curry – ga li