Online Class Notes (Jesse)


i know the price will going up will go up / will be going up

it will higher than the loan interest – it will be higher 

that was I’m thinking aboutthat was what I was thinking about

how’s the environment going on

we have a 3 peoples team – a team of 3 people / we have a 3 person team 

i have zero trust with him in him


the economy is recovering 

make up my mind
make a decision

get the job – passive / what happens to you
take the job – active / your decision

redundent – not needed
eg. he’s totally redundent

kiss his bosses arse / suck up to his boss

they’ve got a big land geographically they’re big 

emasculated – makes a man feel like less of a man
eg. i think me buying a house has emasculated him

i was taken aback / it caught me off guard / I was caught off guard 


maid – mayd 
mate – mayt

really – reeely 
rarely – rair lee (like air, kong qi)