Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

Then Orange Head and Blackie gave a sigh because they thought this is a little bit crazy! Then Specky said “How about we go to my home and eat some watermelon or maybe we could eat the watermelon in my garden and then we can play catch while we’re eating the watermelon!”. Blackie, Orange Head, Orrissa, and Lashia said “okaayyyyy let’s go”.

After a while,  Blackie, Orange Head, Specky, Orissa, and Lashia finally got to Specky’s house. Specky went in and got a watermelon out of the fridge. Orissa asked Specky “Is your mum or dad home?”. Specky said “Of course not” in a voice which was a little bit funny. “Phew” said Orissa! After Specky cut the watermelon, she said “Follow me! Let’s go to my garden!”. Following that, when they got to the garden, Specky said “Stay here, I’ll be back soon!”. When Specky came back she was holding a few sun beds. Orissa said “ooooo sun beds!”. Blackie said “Okayyy!! Let’s start playing catch!!” Everyone said “Alright!”. Lashia said “Hey! I’ll be the catcher!”. Then, Blackie said “I’ll be the catcher too!”. Orissa said “If someone is being it, they need to catch the people who need to run away, and remember!! Catchers must count to 10 before they start chasing!”. “OK” said everyone except Orissa. Then they started the game. Specky just stood there. Orange Head said “Quick run Specky!”. Specky said “No need!”. When Blackie ran to Specky to catch her, she suddenly zapped Blackie. Lashia said “stop the game”. Then when everyone stopped Lashia said “Ok everyone, no zapping, you can’t go out of the garden, no using your fin to hurt anyone. OK these are all the rules, let’s continue our game!”. Orange Head, Specky, Orissa, quickly ran away. Meanwhile deep down in the pacific sea trench a little octopus was swimming. Her name is Onie. She’s an adventurer, even though she is just a little kid she’s still a great adventurer. Suddenly Onie felt someone was tickling her, and it was a jellyfish named Sonia. Onie asked Sonia if she could be her adventure buddy.

Orlly is a boy narwal
Sonia is a girl jellyfish
Onie is a girl octopus

do you want I say about Onie – do you want me to say something about Onie?

quote marks = ” ”

Lashia & Blackie are the catchers.

mosquitoe – “mos kee toe”

eg. this one represents cloudy