Online Class Notes (Jesse) [8]


symmetric (adj) – sim MET trick
symmetry (n) – SIM meh tree
symmetrical (adj) – sim MET trick kal 

lie downonyour back – connect

four – very american = fouuurrrrrrr
four – normal = for

first run / round – raaaaoooooonnnnd


the opposing / opposite side

we have habitually bad posture / bad posture has become a habit for us

bring your arms as high as your shoulder – in line with


the muscles on either side of your neck are symmetrical 

it makes one side shorter

lean on to the side – learn to the side 

tendancy makes our one neck is shorterwe tend to make one side of our necks shorter 

it is less range of motion it has less range of motion / there is less range of motion 

turn to the right side

coming back exhale as we’re coming back, we’re exhaling 

let me know how did you feellet me know how you feel 

I don’t know what you said
I don’t know the thing that you said

2 more other groups

do yoga with heidi’s mum! / yoga with heidi’s mum

Mothers always carry a lot of pressure on their shoulders, with all the cooking, cleaning, or looking after the family. So when they have a moment free, they often spend it looking at their iphone, head bowed, meanwhile they complain about their sore neck and shoulders. Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

If so, try this: Raise your arms straight up in the air, towards the ceiling. Did you feel a sense of stiffness or tightness? If the answer is yes, the problem may lie in having tight pectoralis, or latissimus dorsi. To avoid further discomfort, and future inconvenience, I welcome you to do yoga with Heidi’s Mum today!!

Step 1: Start with the child pose. Kneel on the floor, open your knees wide. Lower your chest down between your thighs

Step 2: Reach your arms forward and out, above your head, leaning your chest forward. Holding your arms out, press your wrists down on something like a tissue box or block to elevate your arms to shoulder height.

Step 3: Staying in this pose for 15 seconds, keep your arms as straight as you can.

Step 4: Avoid shrugging or tensing your shoulders, keep your thumbs pointed up, and reach your arms out feeling the stretch through the side of your body.

Step 5: Make sure your forehead is supported by a block or cushion, so your neck muscles are relaxed.

For advanced yogis: remove the block or cushion and aim to press your forehead on the floor in front of you.