Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Do some writing like a diary and try to use some of the vocabulary and grammar from our last 2-3 classes.


my wife is a crazy guymy wife is crazy!

as before / like before 
eg. as before my wife is still working in … company

private time personal time 

how did they go? – zenme yang?

resume / CV 
eg. I sent my resume to many companies through the app


my colleague in last jobfrom my last job

in last job my boss wanted … – in my last job

the full project – the whole project

i got 1 news – I got 1 peice of news / I go some news 

she had a university on canadashe went to university in canada

in her job / at work she also translates …


industry – IN des tree

13 – thir TEEN
30 – THIR tee

vaccine – “vack seen” 

Speaking exercise

these days he begins to laugh and he begins to see something. If we move one thing he will follow it. He can know it isn’t there but he didn’t have any reaction. Now we can talk anything to him and he can hear that, and he knows 2 colors, black and white and maybe he can know the red. We need tell him it’s red.

my friend opened a new job. a week before he opened his shop everything isn’t finished, even the wall then one week later everything is OK. They do it every day.

these days he began to laugh and he begins to see things. If we move one thing he will follow it. He can / is able to know it isn’t there but he doesn’t have any reaction. Now we can say / tell anything to him / we can talk to him and he can hear it, and he knows / he can see 2 colors, black and white and maybe he can know the red. We need to tell him it’s red.

A week before, my friend opened a new shop, nothing was finished, including the wall, then one week later everything was OK / done / finished. They do it every day.

which / it / he / they …

try not to repeat words / parts of your sentences