Online Class Notes (Jesse) (30)


eating healthy food
people know the importance of health / healthy living 
develop their instruction?

their food is unhealthy
they know the importance of health
so they have healthier food

maximized – try to make sth the most
maximum – the most 
eg. I have 100 RMB and I want to maximize the value

more safe
more safer

It spend all day
It cost all day 
it takes all day / it took all day – remember, things TAKE your time away. Things don’t take your money, you GIVE your money.

I spend money
I spend time

I’m waiting my mum – I was waiting for my mum

My friend gave a gift to me
My friend bought a gift for me
My mum works for money
I go to school for learning


important = crucial / integral / key
eg. I think the key of passing TOEFL is the level of my English ability

it was very far! / the distance was great

alarm – nao zhong

he takes drugs / he’s a drug addict


colleague – tong shi
eg. his colleague is Watson

