Online Class Notes (Freda)


bbf = best friend forever / besties = 闺蜜

track and fields = 田径

mental spirit 精神

plateau = 停滞期

stagnant = adj.停滞不前

national university entrance exam

influence/affect = 影响

obese(adj.) / obesity =  too fat that it comes to the extend that will affect your health.

semester / term = 学期

sophomore = 大二


This month, I haven’t been to that school yet.

his friend had an accident.

I just ate one meal

I was always in the library.

when I was very hungry

so I don’t feel hungry.

bodybuilding = 健身

concept = 概念

aerobics/cardio training = 有氧运动

weight/strength training = 无氧运动

typical cardio trainings: running, biking, elliptical machine(椭圆机), rowing

typical strength trainings: barbell/dumbbells/kettlebell/push-ups/bicep-curls

fat burning is better than weight loosing

junk food – oily food



cardiovascular disease = 心血管 disease

Speaking exercise

I studied very hard in high school and take test like national university entrance exam, and when I go to my university I start have some rest and become like always eat food because my school has two of big canteen, lot of delicious foods. and I always buy some fried chicken and French fries something. And I use to play computer games in my room sometimes all night. And I start getting fat and in the one day I read an article on the internet, it’s talk about the fat and become unhealthy and sometimes fat can cause some cancer and some insulin resistance. and this kind of sick can become the sugar in the blood more like this sick. and fat can affect heart and lung and fat had some level like the obesity. and a lot of fat oil can push the lung and stop breathing and at that time you have to sit in the chair sleep not lie one the bed because you lie on the bed the fat can hold on your lung and you stop breathing, probably you gonna be die. So I’m very afraid so I started loose weight and I when I get and first thing I run around my school and maybe at least four circle and after that I brush my teeth and wash face and had breakfast like a baize and soy milk and have class. In the afternoon I didn’t have lunch I ride bike around my school. and my lunch just an apple or an orange. finish this I didn’t have anything. because when I graduate I found first job I was become a little rebound, so when I graduate my parents ask me to find a man like boyfriend so I told myself I can’t get fat again so I still keep the custom like in university just have breakfast and little lunch.

I studied very hard in high school and took take test like national university entrance exam, and when I went go to my university I started  having have some rest and became like always eating food because my school has two of big canteens with a lot of/lots of delicious foods. and I always bought buy some fried chicken and French fries something. And I used to play computer games in my room, sometimes for all night. And I started getting fat. and in the One day I read an article on the internet, it’s talk about the fat, and how it can become unhealthy and sometimes fat can cause some cancer and some insulin resistance. And this kind of sickness/disease can became diabetes and hypertension. the sugar in the blood more like this sick. And fat can affect the heart and the lung and had some level like the it will leads to obesity and cardiovascular disease. and Too much / A lot of fat oil can push the lung and stop you from breathing and when that come at that time you have to sit in the chair to sleep instead of not lying on the bed, because if you lie on the bed the fat can hold back on your lung and you will stop breathing, probably you gonna die / be dead. So I was very afraid so I started to loose weight and I when I got up, the and first thing was running around my school and maybe at least for four circles and after that I brushed my teeth and washed face and had breakfast like a baozi and some soy milk and than went to my class. In the afternoon I didn’t have lunch, I would ride bike around my school. My lunch just was just an apple or an orange. After finish this I wouldn’t  have anything. because when I graduated and found the/my first job I rebounded was become a little rebound a little, so when I graduated my parents asked me to find a man to be my boyfriend, so I told myself I shouldn’t get fat again so I still keep the custom from university for just having breakfast and a little for lunch.