Online Class Notes (David)

Speaking exercise

From the life – From life

Everyone produce a lot of garbages. -> Everyone produces a lot of garbage. (uncountable noun)

The government promote the garbage classification in order to reduce the pollution. -> The government promotes the garbage classification (subject verb agreement)

Currently, the hotel will not provide the free slippers or washing materials unless the client request it. -> Currently, the hotel will not provide free slippers or bath products unless the client requests it.

The classification is a little bit confused and complex. -> The classification is a little confusing and complex.

From I know -> From what I know


trickle down – used to refer to a situation in which something that starts in the high parts of a system spreads to the rest of the system

ex: The CEO’s new company initiatives trickled down to the workers through a series of meetings.

trickle down economy – the idea that giving economic benefits to the wealthy and big businesses will allow them to spread those benefits slowly to the rest of the economy through reinvestment

jaded – when people lose hope in the possibility of things being better or changing for the better

ex: She wanted to be an environmentalist to save the planet, but she became jaded after a few years once she saw how little of a difference she was actually making.

smog (noun) – smoggy (adjective) – smoke from pollution that covers cities

carbon-positive/carbon-neutral/carbon-negative – terms used to described the net environmental impact of an individual/group/business/society

aspire – to want to achieve

ex: He aspired to be the best teacher he could be.

toxic – adj., extremely harmful to living things

ex: Smoking can be toxic to your health.