Online Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

I had three days off on last weekend and yesterday. but I felt I haven’t use three days effectively . I just stayed at home because of the hot weather. I cooked lunch and dinner by myself ,but because I am inexperienced in cooking and sometimes the meal tasted bad. I will watch some entertainment program and get some fun from it , but I think it’s just transitory fun. I felt bored and worried when I waste much time , so today I worked too hard and I became calm. what is meaning of live ? do have a answer of life?

I had three days off on last weekend and yesterday. but I felt that I didn’t use these three days effectively. I just stayed at home because of the hot weather outside. I cooked lunch and dinner by myself, but because I am inexperienced in cooking the meals I make sometimes tasted strange. I will watched some entertainment program and got some fun from it /out of it, but I think it’s just a pastime kind of fun. I feel bored and worried when I waste a lot of time/much of my time, so today I worked really hard and I became calm again. what is the meaning of life?  What is the secret to a meaningful life?

I had an amazing day

Today was an amazing day

I felt bored

I felt cosy


cosy adjective (COMFORTABLE)
comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm
This room is nice and cosy in the winter.
He showed me into a cosy little room.

claw (n): one of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds
Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table.

1. I am going to complete that job next weekend.
2. I am going to complete that job on the next weekend.

over and over (again)

happening or done many times
I read the article over and over till it made sense.

productive (adj): having positive results
We had a very productive meeting – I felt we solved lots of problems.
Theirs was a very productive partnership.

I wasn’t productive enough during the last three days.

funny adjective (STRANGE)
strange, surprising, unexpected, or difficult to explain or understand
The washing machine is making a funny noise again.
He’s got some funny ideas about how to bring up children.
That’s funny – I’m sure I left my keys here.
A funny thing happened to me on the way to the crematorium.
I felt funny when I realized everyone was watching me.

fry (v): to cook food in hot oil or fat
Fry the mushrooms in a little butter.
You’ll fry (= burn) if you lie in the sun all day.

I boiled the chicken for one hour.

pastime (n): an activity that is done for enjoyment
Do-it-yourself is the nation’s most popular pastime.
figurative Suing people, especially doctors, is becoming a national pastime (= common activity) in America.

what is the secret to a meaningful life?


