Online Class Notes (Ally)[S]


introduce: tell you about me 介绍
ie. Let me introduce myself – Let me tell you about me.

Russian: 俄罗斯人/ 俄罗斯的 Russia
ie. I think he is Russian.

version: 版本
ie. This is the phone version of the game.
ie. You need to download the new version.

rank: 排名
ie. What’s your rank?
ie. I’m ranked third in my class.

champion: 冠军/英雄
ie. I want to be the champion.

jungle: 野/丛林
ie. I play jungle.
ie. There are many jungles in Africa (非洲).

skin: 皮肤
ie. He has dark(暗色的) skin.

ie. When I saw Ally’s skins, I was speechless.

statistics: 数据
ie. I have really bad statistics.

afk: away from keyboard
ie. I’ll afk for a while.

percent: 百分之
ie. Thirty percent of players are in elementary school.

lag: 卡/延迟
ie. I am lagging./There’s a lag.

ie. The Chinese server has lots of players.

website/web page: 网页
ie. Jesse made the SmartEnglish website.

account: 帐号
ie. My friend has five accounts because he is a little kid.


find VERB -> who is doing the VERB?
ie. verb = download -> I download a game. (not “my computer download a game.”)

Speaking exercise

I am a Chinese. I live in China.

“Are your classes in English?” – Your teachers speak English.

My classmates are in English. -> My classmate is from another country./is not Chinese./only speaks English.

There’s one class which is in English.

It can play on the phone too. -> It (Minecraft) can be played on the phone too./You can play it on the phone too.

I build things and kill people on Minecraft.

It’s not a pvp game but it(<- Minecraft) can pvp. -> It’s not a pvp game but I can pvp.

My computer cannot download the game. -> I cannot download the game on my computer.

Always only two people. -> It’s always just us two.

Because a lot of money I have gift to my friend.  -> Because I always spend money for my friends’ gift.

When my friend’s birthday, I gave a gift to my friend. -> I gave a gift to my friend on/for her birthday. 

I have two parts now, only one more to go.

Your skins make me speechless.

fifty-five percent

I see see -> Let me take a look.