Online Class Notes (Ally)[S]

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May 24th 2019 (review)


non-fiction: (adj and noun) real
ie. This is movie is a documentary; it is non-fiction.

comedy: (n) 喜剧  (person) comedian 喜剧演员
ie. When I want to relax after work, I prefer comedies to tragedies.
ie. I want to be a stand-up comedian(脱口秀表演者) when I grow up.

comical: (adj) of comedy, funny
ie. His expression when I told him the real story was comical.

comics (n): 连环画杂志 especially of a newspaper/magazine
ie. I love looking at the satirical(satire n.) political comics about Donald Trump.

Satire: 讽刺 讽刺作品
ie. This movie is a political satire.

phony: fake (adj)
ie. Her behavior at the meeting looked phony.

trite: 老一套的
ie. I think most Korean dramas are very trite.

genre: kind/type (for movies and books and TV)
ie. What’s your favorite genre of music?

eliminate: removed (n)elimination
ie. The FBI eliminated a threat to POTUS.

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder): 强迫症
ie. She has OCD so she tries to micromanage everything.

obsess: 着迷 (adj)obsessive, obsessed
ie. Stop obsessing over your ex! He’s a jerk!
ie. I am obsessed about shoes.
ie. Stop your unnatural obsession!

advocate (v and n): speak out, somebody who speaks out/represent something
ie. Michelle Obama advocated for black females in her speech.


prefer = like more than , so never use “more than”, use “to”