Online Class Notes (Ally)


moisturize: 保湿

moisturizer/cream: 面霜

lotion: 乳霜

hurt: 疼 (v)
ie. Cosmetics procedures are painful/hurtful. (adj)
ie. Cosmetic procedures really hurt.(v)
ie. I felt painful(adj) when I tried/from the …
ie. I felt a lot of pain (n)
ie. I was in a lot of pain (n … situation you’re in)

sanitized: (用化学制剂)消毒

threshold for pain: 门槛; 门口; 阈; 界; 起始点; 开端; 起点; 入门
ie. My threshold for pain is very low. I’m sensitive to pain.

scaredy cat: 胆小猫;

orthodontic: 牙科正畸; 牙齿矫正或俗称箍牙; 正畸治疗; 正畸; 矫正力

qualitative: 质量的, not numbers

quantitative: 定量性的; 量化的; 数量的

basement: 地下室

basis: basic in noun
ie. underlying idea = basis

Speaking exercise

I have not imagined it’s so hurt.
I did not realize/think/expect it would hurt so much./expect it to hurt so much.

When the procedure went to the half, I jumped into the bed….
Half way into the procedure/When I was halfway done, I jumped from/out of the bed….

My work is close with the talent development in the company.
My work is closely linked/related to with the talent development in the company.

My work is to let this thing into a concrete way
My work is making these concepts/values/ideas into some concrete programs.

What they need is to told the consumer the selling point
What they need to do is telling the consumer the selling points
Their job is to tell the consumer the selling points

I will focus more on the talent development.