Online Class Notes (Ally)


terminator: 终止者

context: 下文; 语境; (事情发生的)背景,环境,来龙去脉

drive them crazy


Easily: not the opposite of hardly
ie. I cooperate with her easily. (Your work together is not difficult.)
ie. I lost 4 kilos easily. (It wasn’t difficult for you to lose weight)

Has – 时态 – a result/influence in the current situation / NOW
ie. I have done this hw 3 days ago (now I shouldn’t do it again)
“Xi, for your hw, write about your weight-loss experience.”
ie. Did you do your homework? – general question
ie. Have you done your homework?  ( now let’s talk about the hw…)
ie. I haven’t had dinner yet. (“Do you want to go to Sephora together?…”)
ie. I have studied Japanese before. (“Why do you understand this anime?”)

can – able to
can you speak Spanish? – Do you know how?
could you speak Spanish? – I know you can

Speaking exercise

I’m the relative of Xi
I’m related to Xi …

Both us have no feeling with …
None of us feel hunger, …..

There are no abrupt changes.  The number decreased smoothly and gradually.

I easily use “has”
I often use “has”… I use “has” too much… I have a habit of using “has”…

I typed down “new macbook pro announced”.
I said/wrote “Apple announced/launched the new macbook pro”.
The new macbook just came out
did you hear about the new mbp

Q: “Let’s go into the writing”
A: Actually, could we try the writing tomorrow? Today we could focus on my grammar problem. Maybe after class, I can review work by myself and we could check it tomorrow.

I saw a video on youtube is a mother want to make tea for her children.
I saw a video about a mother who wants to make tea for her children.

Writing exercise

Even through I did not get a lot of exercise, I surprisingly lost 4kg and the visceral fat backed to the normal level in the first week of HPD. My physical condition is good. Such as hunger and palpitation which did not appear. On the first two days, the general diets were switched into HPD, I felt giddy and limply during the whole day. The thought of giving up is tempting, especially when I was considering with work and health condition. The high-cost investment of supplements and time kept me hanging on. At the third day, an amazing thing is that I seem getting used to the new diet. It may feel like seasick at first, but I soon got my sea legs. In these 7 days, the weight shows a smooth decline day by day. Due to the real figure and the lighter of weight, my spirit was made abundant. The early rise and morning exercise even let me experience different morning knowing. For example, in this morning, when I was running around neighbourhood, the opening osmanthus flowers floats on a scented and cool wind. While I enjoyed many of the benefits of being HPD, the cost of eating this way may actually higher than past.


Even through I did not get a lot of exercise, I surprisingly lost 4kg and the visceral fat backed to the normal level in the first week of HPD. My physical condition is good. Such as hunger and palpitation which did not appear. On the first two days, the general diets were switched into HPD, I felt giddy and limply during the whole day. The thought of giving up is tempting, especially when I was considering with work and health condition. The high-cost investment of supplements and time kept me hanging on. At the third day, an amazing thing is that I seem getting used to the new diet. It may feel like seasick at first, but I soon got my sea legs. In these 7 days, the weight shows a smooth decline day by day. Due to the real figure and the lighter of weight, my spirit was made abundant. The early rise and morning exercise even let me experience different morning knowing. For example, in this morning, when I was running around neighbourhood, the opening osmanthus flowers floats on a scented and cool wind. While I enjoyed many of the benefits of being HPD, the cost of eating this way may actually higher than past.