Online Class Notes (Ally)


ghost writer: Qiang shou

tragic: 惨烈

condense: (由气体)冷凝; (使气体)凝结; (使)浓缩,变浓,变稠; 简缩,压缩(文字、信息等)

intimidated: 胆怯; 怯场

fleeting: 转瞬即逝的; 短暂的; 闪现的

Speaking exercise

I’m really fascinated for them.
I’m really fascinated about/crazy about them./fascinated with their work.
Their work really fascinates me.

The time is a treasure. The time is flighting.
Time is a treasure that we should cherish. Time is fleeting.

I think it’s a very giant door. In reality, I think it’s very small.
I thought it was a very giant door. In reality, I think it’s actually very small.

I don’t think it’s more huge in my memory.
I don’t think it’s as big as it was in my memory.
I think it’s smaller than in my memory.

You can feel a sense of authority.

make me alive
keep me alive
stay afloat
to survive
to make a living

lots of things to restrict ideas to make it come true
lots of restrictions to keep ideas from coming true (restriction -> keep ideas from coming true.)

He overly commercialized the artwork.

It can never be produced again.

To understand the nature more than I did before.