Online Class Notes (Ally)


hierarchy: 等级制度;(教会等组织中的)掌权集团,统治集团,领导层;(观念、信仰等的)等级体系,层次体系;级系,分级系统(如动植物的纲、目、科等);递阶;层级;僧侣统治集团;

rigid: 刚性的;坚硬的;不易弯曲的;(因震惊或恐惧)身体僵直的,不能动弹的;严格死板的;刻板的;不可变更的;不通融的;固执僵化的;
ie. It’s a very rigid system

zodiac: 生肖

fortune telling: 算命

tarot: 塔罗牌

superstitious: 迷信的

atheist: no-god believer/ who only believes in

atypical: not typical

Buddha: 菩萨

hiccup: 打嗝(一种症状);打嗝;打嗝声;(尤指暂时性的)

rebound relationship/rebound gf/bf: the relationship you get in after the serious relationship

Speaking exercise

they could do very quick changes
they could change very quickly/make/implement changes quickly

it’s a not a public rule
it’s a not a public/open rule/it’s an unwritten rule

He go to Google to do a job as sales
He went to Google to be a sales/He’s working in Google as a sales

I use it around 3-4months/I have been using it for …
I was on the medicine for around 3-4months (for status, use “to be” as verb)

It’s not very hard to insist
It’s not very hard to persist/keep up

I’m faraway from him
He’s out of my league (only for dating)