Online Class Notes (Ally)


dst :daylight saving time

gloomy: 乌云 阴郁

chill: relaxed

reserved: 内敛的

introverted: 内向的

egotistical: 自我本位的;傲慢自尊的
ie. He has a very big ego.

tier: 阶
tier one city

tender: 柔软

Speaking exercise

and then one month later her wifi in her room is not fixed.
and it has been a month, and her wifi is still not fixed.

I don’t know much about fishing. Sometimes my dad will go fishing in the countryside and I always see lots of people there. So I think it’s probably pretty popular.

I studied in Cambridge. When i first came to this city, I find a lot of park in this city. I think it’s really dff from what I thought in my hometown.

Everyday when I go to school -> suffered bad things in that park -> teenagers always play in the park -> sometimes they will do something not so friendly. -> bigger than any other park -> sketching /  draw some people /activities of these people – > documenting their activities. Inspiration – > reason why I really like that park

So I’ve been studying and living in Cambridge. When I first went to that city, I found a lot of park in this city. I think it’s really dff from the parks in my hometown.

Everyday when I go to school, I have to pass through the park ->Actually, I suffered bad things in that park -> teenagers always play in the park -> often they will do some very unfriendly things, such as pulling my hair or calling me names. So I actually felt a lot of racial discrimination. -> /However, bigger than any other park -> sketching /  draw some people /activities of these people – > documenting their activities. I always feel very relaxed and the park gives me a lot of inspiration in my work. – > So I have very mixed feelings about the park. But right now, after living there for so long, I think I feel comfortable to visit the park and do my own things there.