Online Class Notes (Ally)

Homework: make sentences with the vocabulary


Occasion: 场合(n)
Occasional: 偶尔的(adj)
ie. What’s the occasion?
ie. We’re not very busy today – I just need to take some phone calls occasionally.

Get-together: 聚餐 (n)
ie. We got (v) together last night. (SV)
ie. I was(V) at a get-together/We had a get-together last night at my friend’s place.

Admit: 承认

Hangover: 宿醉
ie. I have a hangover

Blank out: 断片

Difficult (person): 搞
ie. He’s being difficult.
ie. She’s a difficult patient/student.

Plastic surgery: 整容手术

Skin procedures:皮肤管理项目

Risky: (adj) 有风险的

Risk: 风险


Threshold for pain: 忍痛程度

Blooming: 开花 上升

Invest: 投资

Infection: 感染



Morning/cat/coffee/gin person: someone who can work well in the morning

Stay up late: 晚睡 熬夜

Habit: 习惯

Content: 内容

Trailer: 预告片

Spoiler: 剧透


Greasy: 油腻的

Tmall store

Consumer: 消费者

Celebrity: star

Carbs (carbohydrates): 碳水化物

On purpose:故意的

Kindergarten: 幼儿园

Drop off /pick up


The cost in Korea is cheaper than in SH./is half that of SH.

Absolutely not/never – No, – Not really. -> A little bit.- yes definitely/a lot

Depends on the bookings

Skill. Experience. Aesthetics.

All kinds./A lot of different kinds.

I chose the name myself.


Drive her to school.

Pay money /eat food

Drink = 喝酒