Online Class Notes (Ally)


pitch in: give some money to something (not the whole thing)

remove: 拆迁

lag: 延迟

intermittent: 断断续续
ie. Your connection is intermittent.

townhome/townhouse/condo: 联排别墅

irrational: not in his right mind
ie. He was not in his right mind

concussion: 脑震荡


Speaking exercise

140k cannot buy a house in city-centre, neither can buy in the suburbs
140 is not enough to buy…neither is it enough for …
You cannot buy a house in city-centre with 140k…. neither can you buy one in the suburbs.

my mom cannot accept such faraway from the center
my mom cannot accept the house being so far away from the center

he was crazy/delusional/had mental problems

when we finished dinner we were very happy
we were having a pleasant evening

who fights first
who started the fight

it was already 12 o’clock
it was already 12 o’clock/midnight

have the suit
sue/file a law suit

complain about the police to their boss
file a complaint

you cannot make things again
you cannot start anything again