Online Class Notes (Ally)


The front: the cap

Instill confidence

in bulk

dry skin

oily skin

combination skin



world-wide (adj)

emphasize: 强调


understate: 减弱
ie. Understatement (n)

inherit (v): inheritance (n)
ie. Her son inherited (v) the company.

shelf: 货架

fresh grads


rival: long-time enemy

Speaking exercise

3-day trip
The trip will last 3 days

“How is that playing?”

I’m treating them to dinner.
It’ll be my treat.

To build JD’s festival
To initiate/create /establish

To beat 1111
to compete with

Negative voices are increasing
There are more and more neg voices
turn up the volume

My ambition for next year is

JD is a pure play/b2b channel, so we couldn’t make it bigger.

which is Tmall’s model

I wish
That’s just wishful thinking

I manage as well as Tmall
I manage JD in addition to Tmall

these channels growth trend was declined
these channels growth trend are in decline

I need more growth rate year by year/one year after another

added on we’re global company
plus that we’re global company

we have no choice but to consider the next moment quickly
we have no choice but to consider the next moment so much in advance

they were est. around the same time