Online Class Notes (Ally)


specific: 特定的
ie. What are your specific tasks/jobs on the tour?

techniques: fang fa

mysterious: shen mi de

Genghis Khan: king in mongolia

African-born people

in a féminin way: like a lady

Morin khuur: The horse-head violin

intestines: 肠子 inTEstines

strained: tense – not very easy

ie. insist on something – two sides, argument

persist: it’s hard to persist.
ie. persist on something – for hard things to keep doing
ie. persist on learning English

Speaking exercise

I management two or three artist in China
I MAnage two or three artists in China

I want to keep the band have a tour once a year in Europe
I want the band to have a tour once a year in Europe
I hope that the band can have a tour once a year in Europe

I was a director for the past 15 years

in the nearly one or two years I knew the band

right now everything go back to normal

everything to play by man

you never listened the same performance in a band

I have different tempos

Edit for next class:

is a very youngest and talent band in China. The member of the band all come from Mongolian, so Mongolian is all stronger and wild… the culture in China. So they can play traditional instruments. Also they use the electronic music style. It’s fusion so it’s interesting. I think they will lead the new trend in the world.

everyone dreams about what they can’t have in their daily life

I worked in SH and I found Eng is very important for me.

I paid for a lot of

people can knew each more easily

I can’t speak it in English

I have the neighborhood is very closely

confident about our culture

special things in a culture


instruments : INstruments

shoulder:  show-der

stay away from the “er” when there’s no r
