Online Class Notes (Ally)


accounts for :  占的比例 (v)
ie. Answering phone calls and meetings accounts for 70% of my time.

how so? : 怎么会这样?

redundant/repetitive: 重复

customary: 符合习俗的


Speaking exercise

we have a holiday this afternoon
we’re off-work/we have a break from work this afternoon

my boss comes to SH
my boss is in the SH office

that’s effective to communicate with each other
we can communicate with each other more effectively

I go to home everyday at 5pm
I go home/I go back to my home everyday at 5pm

I may not get time to respond by emails
I may not get time to respond to my emails/check my emails

we just know him the day before
we just met/got to know him the day before

Hi V,

Greetings. Thank you for your very rapid and professional responses to the site. From your email, I can tell you’re a very experienced person. I hope we can work together very smoothly and better ensure the quality of the study.

I’m Rainbow from … the physician for this study. My boss is … and please feel free to tell us if you have any questions about the study. Before I entered the study, I was a doctor from hematology dept.

Hi V,

Greetings, and welcome to the team! I’m Rainbow from .. and I am a physician in this study. Before I entered this field, I was a doctor from the hematology department. I just wanted to say thank you for your very rapid and professional responses to the site. From your email, I can tell you’re very experienced, and I look forward to working with and learning from you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all. I hope we can work together very smoothly and better ensure the quality of the study!
