F2F Class Notes (Ally)


Review your vocabulary!


accident: without reason, unexpected
ie. car accident

incident: 发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的); 严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、事故、袭击等); (两国间的)摩擦,冲突; (常指)军事冲突
ie. incident between you two yesterday

controversy: 公开的)争论. adj. controversial

merit-based: people are evaluated/awarded for their work done

antonym: opposite meaning word

synonym: same meaning word

synchronized: (使)同步,在时间上一致,同速进行

antithesis: opposite thing
ie. He is the antithesis of “poor”.

complacent: satisfied with yourself


Speaking exercise

Tibo asked me my opinion on the case of the Afghanistan.
Tibo asked me for/about my opinion on the case of Afghanistan./recent piece of news about Afghanistan.
.. asked me what my opinion was on …

His pace is very fast.
He talks very fast.

Even we had signed the contract, the counter party still violated/breeched some terms of the contract.

-> disrespect our agreement/contract.

You can travel domestically.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A: First I think I will like to get a further certification of my career, like the local CPA certificate. Maybe I can go to further education to get a EMBA . Then I can be a good mother and teach my daughter English… and experience something different with my daughter like a long-distance journey. Maybe I can challenge myself… like get a bit higher position such as CFO.

A: First, I think I would like to get a further certification of this industry/field, like the local CPA certificate. Maybe I can get/receive further education to get a EMBA . Then I can be a good mother and teach my daughter English… and experience something different with my daughter like a long-distance journey. Maybe I can challenge myself with a higher position, such as CFO.

From my inner place..
Deep down…

Enough is from your own thoughts.
There’s no uniform/standard indicator for “enough”. 

I can hold on to my own beliefs/ideology/philosophy of life.