Online Class Notes (Ally)


shortage:缺乏 lacking in numbers
ie. There is a shortage of food.

multiple-choice questions: 选择题

dentist: 牙医

braces: 牙套 牙箍

vending machine:  自动售货机

withdraw: take out

civilian:民用的 人民 <> military

missile: 导弹

UFO: unidentified flying object

hype up: 炒作
hype(n): 网红点 热点
ie. What’s all the hype?
ie. The US wants to hype up the importance of the balloon.

sanction:  制裁

weakness/shortcoming: 弱点

ft. = 尺

sub : small things under something big(adj)
ie. sub-heading


end of june
beginning of march

Speaking exercise

my shortage is at some science class
my weakness is science

5 or 4 little questions
4 or 5 sub questions

“how long have you been wearing braces?”
from the last year’s oct.
since (from then to now, still wearing them) oct of last year./oct last year.

mental/psychological effect <>actual

…. concerns(v) you.
I have a big concern(worry n. less than problem) about the new vending machine. (I think it might cause problems etc.)
Does it concern you? – does it matter to you? 关你的事吗?
They were really concerned about me.